Tuesday, January 4, 2011

My Start of the Lovely Bones

       Back in July me and two friends were having our first annual redhead party. We biked to the store and bought some typical party things, like pizza and water balloons (being the middle of summer, the water balloons were necessary). After we had finished swimming and  eating pizza we decided to rent a movie. We chose 'The Lovely Bones' because we had heard it was a good thrill. It started out pretty freaky and I got pretty hooked. However we decided to turn it off before the ending, because we were all too tired. I am glad that we never finished, because it would have ruined the book for me.

Here is the movie trailer

       When my sister first suggested I read the lovely bones in December I thought "no way, that book is way to scary for me" but after hearing her rave about it I  decided I would give it a chance. After months of trying to find time, a perfect opportunity arose. In January I enrolled in a "Read for the Fun of it" class. That class is also why I am making this blog. I have only just begun reading this great novel.

       In the beginning it starts with the hooking two first sentences "My name was Salmon, like the fish; first name Susie. I was fourteen when I was murdered on December 6, 1973." Immediately I had tons of thoughts running through my head. "How was she killed? Who killed her? Why? She is so young." My questions were quickly answered within the first 20 pages.

       Alice Sebold does a really magnificent job in her writing style. Even thought she is writing about a horrific event (like Susie's rape and murder) she still does it in a classy, not gruesome way. The book describes how he lured her into his death trap, and all the horrific events that followed. The next part is the aftermath of her disappearance and a description of her heaven. This book gives me chills with the dramatic irony. The whole time they are searching for her, and her murderer, the reader knows who he is. I so far more then once have wanted so badly to speak to the characters and tell them to check out Mr. Harvey!

       Although I have only just begun this book adventure, I can not wait to read on.


  1. Nice blog! Has the book been scary so far? You make it sound very interesting, but I really dislike scary books.

  2. Oh my goodness I read that book and it was so good! I like how yall had a redhead party.... I also liked how she answered things in the first 20 pages. I hope you like it!

  3. I read the book too and I thought it was great! Would you recommend the movie?

  4. so is it scary?! Great blog caroline
