Sunday, January 9, 2011

Alice Sebold (author of The Lovely Bones)

          Alice Sebold is the author of the book I am currently reading, as well she is the author of two other books. She was born in 1963. That means she is now only forty-seven years old. She went to the Syracuse University where one day she had a life changing experience. While she was walking through an off campus park one day, she was raped. She reported this to the police and they told her some interesting information. A young woman had once been murdered in that same place that she was raped. She got her bachelors degree in Syracuse, but went on to the University of Houston for her graduates’ degree. Unfortunately she did not end up continuing with her studies, and dropped out of Houston. She started doing drugs, and they followed her for two years. She knew she wanted to be a writer and so she bounced from college to college, until returning to Syracuse for her degree. She at first tried writing poetry before she turned to book writing. Her first book was called Lucky and was an account of her rape. She called it Lucky because the police said she was lucky to be alive. 

     Her second, and most famous book of hers is The Lovely Bones. This story is about a girl who is raped and murdered, just four years younger in age then Alice was when she was attacked. Her final book is The Almost Moon. This book has a lot more violence as the opening sentence to the book is "When all is said and done, killing my mother came easily." Alice has won many awards such as the American Booksellers Association's book of the year in 2003. This award was given to her because of her novel The Lovely Bones. I find it remarkable that she was able to overcome the horrible event of being raped, and turn it into something positive. A book to show people that it is very real, and to help spread the awareness of children at risk. (

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